Over the years we have featured in many top publications worldwide. Here is a selection of articles about our gloves, brand and history.



The New Gentry, The Legend of Cornelia James, Luke Fussell, Winter 2015

Cornelia James Sunday Express Gloves

Sunday Express, Cornelia by Cornelia James Launch, Camilla Tomlney, November 2015

Daily Mail

Daily Mail Cornelia James Article

The Daily Mail - This is Money, The Queen's Glove Maker Cornelia James Warms to the Mass Market, Laura Chesters, November 2015


Town and Country Magazine, What to Wear to the Opera, Winter 2015

Women and Home, Interview with Creative Director Genevieve James, May 2012

Daily Mail, 'When you see the Queen wave, it's my gloves she's wearing!' Meet the woman whose creations protect Her Majesty's hands, Alice-Azania Jarvis, May 2012


Le Boudoir de Kate Middleton blog article

 Dans le Boudoir de Kate Middleton, Offrez-vous de Gants Cornelia James, November 2015

The New York TimesGloves Fit for a Queen, With Hands-On Craftsmanship, Susan Fowler, November 2014


Yomisat Article Cornelia James Gloves

Yomisat, Japan, January 2014